Dulce Viridiana Marquez Sosa

Dulce was a GROW scholar who graduated from the University of Colima with a degree in graphic design in 2015.  As the fourth of six children, she grew up in poverty.  Her father owned a butcher shop and her mother took care of the children. In 2000 Dulce’s father left, forcing her mother to work in a small store to provide for the family. Her mother remarried a field worker in 2010.

Unlike the rest of her family, Dulce went to college and developed a career. Her younger sister is a hair stylist and her other siblings are field workers.  Dulce went to work after she graduated in her chosen field, where she learned about advertising, packaging, design companies, suppliers, customers and how to run a company in general.  She first ventured into entrepreneurship by opening a design firm with a friend, but the partnership dissolved in eight months.

For a time, Dulce spent her mornings working with a company and her free time working with many of her own clients from home. When she lost the morning job and had a child, she decided to rethink her goals in accordance with motherhood.  She returned to her family’s home in the small town of Cerro de Ortega and found an opportunity to start a business.  With many contacts, no graphic design or printing competition nearby, and a space to locate her business temporarily, she decided to open a studio and print shop in the center of town. 

Dulce is now prospering with a house of her own, a community that supports her, and a storefront for her business.  Today she has a portfolio of clients from many areas around the state of Colima as well as in Michoacán.  She receives more work through referrals from satisfied clients and has strengthened and expanded her business with a loan from GROW.

Dulce is a proud working mother, steadily moving ahead with her goals.  She is now confident that with hard work and perseverance, anything can be achieved. Life has surprised her in many ways, but all have made her a stronger person.

You can check out her business here: https://www.facebook.com/ideocrea/


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